Water and Minerals
We are a full-service borehole geophysical logging company. Our Robertson Geologging, Ltd sondes and in-house logging methods can be used for water supply wells, monitor wells, well rehabilitations, and hydrogeologic explorations.
We offer video and geophysical logging from a trailer setup for deep wells, or a portable setup for shallow wells.
We provide economical professional-quality maps and digital datasets of ponds, lakes, rivers and estuaries using low-cost sonars.
Our vessels include an 18-foot shallow water skiff and a small USV equipped with autonavigation and telemetry.
We can leverage the sonar data from a Lowrance® HDS system to create maps of sidescan sonar, bathymetry, bottom composition, and vegetation using Hydromagic®, SonarTRX®, ReefMaster® and Biobase®.
We provide geological expertise for mineral exploration programs targeting primarily sand and gravel deposits and heavy mineral deposits, although we can offer services for a variety of other resources.
Services include logging and classifying field samples, downhole geophysics, geological interpretations of local formations, 3D modeling of resources, cross-sections and resource volumetrics.

RMBAKER is a Florida limited liability company founded in 2004 and headquartered in Orange County. We are a DBPR licensed geology business. We perform geological and geophysical explorations to identify and map subsurface or subaqueous conditions not otherwise easily observed.
RMBAKER'S services are used for projects related to ground- and surface-water resources, as well as mineral resources. Groundwater work ranges from studies of coastal salinity intrusion to explorations of deep alternative aquifers, combined with everyday well condition assessments and new well baseline datasets. Surface water work includes detailed mapping of waterbodies using sonar methods that can be combined with water quality observations. Mineral resources are evaluated based on sample examinations, borehole geophysical logging and advanced modeling.
RMBAKER’s mission as a geology business is to provide consistent customer value through competitive levels of technology, quality and service, while maintaining high standards of integrity, ethical conduct and social responsibility.